..sHaRinG of Mufti Ismail Menk..

Love & Family:
When we are not kind & loving towards our spouses & children, ignoring them, making them struggle to draw our attention, showing no appreciation for their effort, keep picking on their errors, spending no time with them, giving preference to our friends or the net, phone etc, then we are guilty of pushing them to seek that elsewhere! Hence we will also bear the sin of their wrongdoings at work, school, clubs etc. It will be too late to cry then whilst we ignored them when they cried out for us!

Describing others physical appearance using hurtful terms such as fat, ugly, too short, dwarf, skinny, big nose is a major sin. The Messenger pbuh has warned us about using terms that would hurt a person. We are all created by the Almighty who decides our features & although we should play our role to maintain the best possible health etc, we are not permitted to use degrading terms when referring to anyone. The Almighty loves us all & He Alone knows who is closer to Him in worship.

In the same way that when traveling we ensure that our baggage does not exceed the airline weight limitation because of the fear of being penalised, we should also ensure that we do not carry excess baggage into the Hereafter. The correct weight is achieved through prayer, forgiving others, letting go of sin & other negative issues that we have held onto far too long, cleansing our hearts from jealousy, envy, hatred & evil thoughts, choosing the correct friends, assisting others, improving our character & abstaining from foul language & oppression. It is important to do a weight check before arriving at the ultimate “scale of justice”

Although the common belief is that the older one gets the wiser one becomes, nowadays it seems that a growing number of those ageing have never known wisdom nor understood it let alone become wise. Wisdom requires one to selflessly think years ahead, be disciplined, learn from the mistakes & experiences of others, consider reactions of actions, effects & after effects, study the reality on the ground, prepare for future generations etc. Wisdom is also supposed to come with experience but for some it seems no matter how many times they make mistakes they never learn. Let us ponder & reflect upon our own condition. May the Almighty grant us true wisdom

Redha/ Acceptance:
When things do not go exactly the way we wanted, when we do not achieve what we have tried so hard to or when we feel so let down by others then always know that for as long as we have faith & trust in the Almighty, He definitely has something better in store for us, has saved us from a calamity or disaster that would have been in our path or has elevated our status through surrendering to His Decree. We are not considered believers until we are pleased with the Decisions of the Almighty. This will save us from much anxiety & depression. Try your best & leave the rest to Him.


Narrated Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari:

The Prophet said, "When a Muslim spends something on his family intending to receive Allah's reward it is regarded as Sadaqa for him."


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