CuTi.. wee.. wee..

Yesterday, there was an earthquake in Sumatera, however, we in KL can also felt it. I didn't even realised about it until someone updated it in FB. Well, that's what FB is for.. :p hehe.. Let's pray for the safety of the people over there and give them strength to face all this.

Today had been a hectic day. I've been busy with all the traning plan and performance review for mid yr. I didn't really know what to write in the performance review. Lately, I just felt as if I didn't perform as good as before. I love my job, I love my colleagues, I love my workstation, I love KLCC and the most important thing - I LOVE PETRONAS..!! I really want to be/performed like last yr. But, my heart is just not into it. Studying is not as hard as this..!! Huh.. OK, enough about work, lets talk about something else.

ohh.. yeah.. I totally forgot to tell you guys about the great time I had last weekend with my family and cousins. Last saturday, we (my bro & my sis) had a farewell dinner for my cousins. She went back to Japan last Tuesday. We had dinner and straight to karaoke at REDBOX in Pavillion. It was GREAT..!!! the buffet dinner provided was very nice (there were oysters and they also provide a farewell cake for us) and all of us had a SUPER GREAT time..!! YEAY..!! The pics are in my sis camera. I wil upload it in my future post. Since then, there is this one song keep playing on my head -You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. (My cousin favourite song..) *wink* *wink*.. You guys can watch the video here:

Ok, this is it for now... I will continue later...
P/s: I'm off for a 10 days holiday.... starting tomorrow.. :)

Forgiveness is NOT condoning the wrong behavior. Forgiveness is NOT forgetting about it. Forgiveness is NOT denial, pretending it didn’t happen. Forgiveness does NOT mean the pain has gone away. To truly forgive we must be aware of an important distinction: Forgiveness is NOT reconciliation with the person. Reconciliation is different. Forgiveness is one person’s moral response to another person’s injustice.


  1. opis aku block fb.. huhu.. so nk cakap kat mgmnt la soh enable, nnt ada tremors cepat sket update.. :p

  2. hahaha... btul tu... wei.. sori tak dpt nk dtg wedding ko..

  3. Aini, those are not my words dear.. Those are Anne Bercht's. K.. take care!

  4. hahaha... saya amik dr kak harnee... ni nnt ader copyright issues plak... huh..


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